MTG: Combat in Depth

MTG: Combat in Depth

You must have a personal endorsement from an L2 or L3 judge to become Level 1. This can take time, and we STRONGLY suggest building that relationship as soon as possible. To see what this means and why it’s required, please read Endorsement Information. This module will cover the Combat Phase, and the 5 Steps […]

MTG: Advanced Investigations I

MTG: Advanced Investigations I

The pair of Advanced Investigations modules are designed to get deeper into the Investigations theory and provide a useful way to guide the investigation process, so you can collect enough relevant information to make your decision. In this first module we’ll focus on: the different kind of information you can have access to apart from […]

MTG: Being a Pillar in your Community

MTG: Being a Pillar in your Community

Magic Judges, particularly those at higher levels, are often seen as pillars of their communities. But what specifically does that mean for the judges themselves and the communities they support? This module will dive deeper into the some of the concepts and help you understand the  respect, responsibility, and influence that comes with holding these […]

MTG: DOJ Self-Review

Now that you have taken and passed the required Development of Other Judges courses, it’s time to reflect! Self-Evaluation is a skill that is easy to start and difficult to master. The key to self-growth on your way to Level 3 is, to be honest with yourself about where your strengths and weaknesses are, and […]

MTG: Leadership Vs Authority

MTG: Leadership Vs Authority

Welcome to the Judge Academy module on Leadership vs. Authority. During this module, we’ll go over the differences between leadership and authority, discuss the importance of those differences, and talk about how to leverage both leadership and authority to become a better judge. Authority is a separate concept that is often confused with leadership. In […]

MTG: Presence

MTG: Presence

Hi everyone, and welcome to this Judge Academy module on Presence, part of the L3 Pillar ‘Leadership, Presence, and Charisma’ written by Niels Viaene, a level 3 judge from Belgium. In this presentation, we will go over definitions and interpretations of the concept, and move into tips and tricks to improve this quality.

MTG: Being Approachable

MTG: Being Approachable

Welcome to the Judge Academy lesson on “Being Approachable”. It can often be difficult for a judge to approach someone who is in a position of authority, either an explicit one, like a Team Lead or Head Judge role, or implicit, such as a difference in certification level or experience in as a judge. While […]

MTG: When Mistakes Happen

MTG: When Mistakes Happen

Welcome to the Judge Academy module on When Mistakes Happen. In this module, we’ll talk about the reality that mistakes will be made, the contexts in which they’ll be made, some causes of mistakes, and what to do when you or someone else makes a mistake. And I do mean “when”, because we all will. […]

MTG: Leadership Self-Review

Now that you have taken and passed the required Leadership courses, it’s time to reflect! Self-Evaluation is a skill that is easy to start and difficult to master. The key to self-growth on your way to Level 3 is, to be honest with yourself about where your strengths and weaknesses are, and how you intend […]