Quarter 1 2023 Conference Bulletin

Season 2 Supplemental Applications

This took a bit longer to prepare than expected, and as a result this form’s deadline has been extended out until March 26, 2023.

You can find the form here: https://forms.gle/9VeCYGZ6Y1DXckJq6

Postponing Launch of Mid-Year Conferences to 2024

One of the original goals for a mid-year celebration was to help supplement what was expected to be a large shrink in conference volume in the first half of the year. The good news here is that this supplementation is not going to be necessary. All of the promos budgeted for Q1 have been given out at conferences! The bad news is that, in regards to one of our other goals, testing the waters on some more interesting conference formats is far from ready to go. Due to these two factors we are going to postpone the launch of Mid-Year Celebration to our 2024 summer season. Rather than poorly shoehorn an unfinished product into our current schedule, we’ve decided to put that effort and energy toward improving the End of Year conference model.

We know this is a bummer, and we aren’t thrilled with this outcome either. Thanks for your patience in all this as we drive conferences toward a more successful and sustainable future.

Upcoming Changes

Sponsorship Package Sizes
One of the challenges faced with approving Q2 conferences was caused by a lack of granularity in package sizes during the application process. Five options is simply not enough for such a diverse global organization, this was especially problematic in the jump from the 30 to 60 attendee packages specifically. To better suit as many regions as possible we are going to implement a support system that is broken down in much smaller increments. This will allow folks to key in on the best package size for their conference, allowing conferences to grow without shipping and receiving an excess of promos.

Attendance Reporting
Creating a realistic system for conference attendance and promo distribution reporting has been in the works for a while and we are finally ready to launch! Sponsored conference organizers will now be required to submit an attendance/promo distribution report after their conference concludes so that the Judge Academy team can get a better idea of where each promo card is going vs. how many are getting sent back to us for reallocation to other conferences. We appreciate the conference organizers and logistics coordinators who have given us their feedback and suggestions on this topic.