MTG: Working with Other Judges

MTG: Working with Other Judges

Congratulations on becoming a judge! But now what? Well, as a Judge you are working events and if you are progressing towards L2 you are going to start working with other judges, and that is our main focus in this module. This can happen at your local shop – maybe for a prerelease, an FNM, […]

MTG: Handling Decklists

MTG: Handling Decklists

There are various ways players can gain advantage by changing the contents of their deck during the course of a Magic tournament. In a Constructed tournament, a savvy player might observe a different metagame at a tournament and use that information to change their sideboard, or move advantageous sideboard cards to their main deck. Similarly, […]

MTG: Deck Checks

MTG: Deck Checks

The Magic Tournament Rules indicate that Deck Checks are mandatory at Competitive and Professional REL (Rules Enforcement Level) events. Judges should therefore be familiar with the reasons for this and the best practices for performing these checks. This module will cover: Why deck checks exist How to perform a deck check Common issues and tips […]

MTG: Basics of Leading at Events

MTG: Basics of Leading at Events

Hello! This module is an introduction to leading at events. The target audience is experienced Level 1’s who are planning on advancing and want to know what to expect from some of their new responsibilities, and new Level 2’s who haven’t led or have led only a little, and similarly want to know what to […]

MTG: Appeals

MTG: Appeals

After a Judge makes a decision on a call Magic’s tournament rules give the player the ability to appeal the ruling to the Head Judge of the event. This module will cover the basics of the Appeals process, from the basics of why and how players can appeal, to the best practices for each role […]

MTG: Disqualifications

MTG: Disqualifications

Disqualification removes the affected player from the tournament. It is reserved for serious infractions and does not come up at every tournament. This module will prepare you in the event that you need to disqualify a player from a tournament through the course of your duties as a judge.