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1st Zagreb Judge Meetup

Game:Magic The Gathering
Date/Time (Europe/Zagreb):Date(s) - 2019 Oct 15
06:00 pm - 09:30 pm
Date/Time (Europe/Zagreb):Date(s) - 2019 Oct 15
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Format:Not Applicable
Categories:Judge Conference
Event Image

Dobrodošli na prvi Zagrebački Judge Meetup!

Glavne teme diskusije na eventu biti će prelazak na Legacy Program i Judge Academy te povezane promjene u regijama, aplikacije za MagicFest-ove i ostale velike evente, koordinacija judge kandidata, te ostale teme bitne za lokalnu zajednicu.

Event je otvoren za sve lokalne judgeve kao i za zainteresirane judge kandidate. Za certificirane judgeve koji apliciraju prije deadlinea dostupan je foil support u obliku pola conference packa.

Početak eventa je predviđen za 18h, u pivnici Zlatni Medo na Savskoj cesti 56.

Accurate information is the responsibility of the tournament organizer for each of their respective events. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the organizer directly.