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1v1 CEDH Battle for the Bayou

Game:Magic The Gathering
Region:USA - East
Location:Symbiote Collectables, 514 Penn Ave, West Reading, PA
Additional Event URL: https://www.symbiotecollectibles.com/events.html
Date/Time (America/New_York):Date(s) - 2021 Oct 22
07:00 am - 11:00 am
Date/Time (America/New_York):Date(s) - 2021 Oct 22
7:00 am - 11:00 am
Format:MTG: Commander
Categories:Friday Night Magic

CEDH single elimination tournament where the winner receives a revised edition Bayou. Every player receives a Battle for Zendikar collector booster.

Accurate information is the responsibility of the tournament organizer for each of their respective events. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the organizer directly.