If you are interested in applying for this event, please make sure you are logged in to do so.

Central California Judge Conference 3: Rise of the Rules Lawyers

Game:Magic The Gathering
For questions, contact:kayjaykay19@gmail.com
Organizer Profile
Date/Time (America/Los_Angeles):Date(s) - 2021 Apr 10
09:00 am - 04:30 pm
Date/Time (America/Los_Angeles):Date(s) - 2021 Apr 10
9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Format:Not Applicable
Categories:Judge Conference
Event Image

Welcome to the third Central California Judge Conference. The theme for this one will be Rules and Policy.

Presenters and topics are as follows:

Isaac King on Advanced Rules Knowledge
Steven Zwanger on Hidden Card Error
Eliana Rabinowitz on “Identifying Potential for Advantage
Paul Jasinto on The Many Flavors and Fixes of Unsportsmanlike Conduct
Bryan Spellman on Backups
Mark Mason on Taxes and Judging

This event will be run on Zoom with a link that will be sent out when we close in on the date. It is set for Saturday, April 10th, from 9 am to 3:30 pm Pacific. If you want to stay afterwards, there will be free time to chat and socialize.

This event is open to any and all JA certified judges in the global community and will have foil support for them. Yes, WORLDWIDE! You must be a paid and certified judge in good standing at the time of the conference. If you are an L3, you will receive an extra packet. If you are a newer judge that has not been to any conferences this year and didn’t receive any mailing from the past year, you will be entitled to an extra packet. Judge Academy will double check this and ensure whether you gain that extra packet for this conference or not! If you are outside of the US and require anything more than regular postage, such as a bubble mailer, tracking, or insurance, I might ask for some assistance to help offset those costs. I also ask that you attend at least five out of the six topics, unless you coordinate with me ahead of time with a valid reason. If you have to drop the conference, please take the time to contact me.

I will also be looking at cover letters. This is a good time to practice those if you are a new judge. If you feel comfortable and know me already in a friendly and/or professional capacity, you may choose to submit a quick response. If not, take the time to carefully craft one and I will review that. This is a great overview of the topic if you need help with those:

Writing Effective Cover Letters

Edit: While cover letters are to help sell yourself to TO’s to staff events, conference cover letters are to reinforce your desires to learn, grow, and hone your skills. It isn’t as long or in depth as a tournament cover letter, but do try to put in a paragraph. Folks have been saying they want to practice for when events can happen in person, and this is the perfect opportunity to put into practice this vital skill.

If you apply and do not attend without informing me ahead of time, I might not consider you for future conferences.

I’m open to discussions about presenting in the future at other conferences. Feel free to message me on Facebook and talk to me about that:

or email at:

or Discord at:

If you are interested in applying for this event, please make sure you are logged in to do so.

Accurate information is the responsibility of the tournament organizer for each of their respective events. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the organizer directly.