If you are interested in applying for this event, please make sure you are logged in to do so.

März Judgemeeting Series Frankfurt/Darmstadt

Game:Magic The Gathering
Region:Europe - Central
Location:Meatpackers Frankfurt, Untermainanlage 8 , Frankfurt am Main
Date/Time (Europe/Berlin):Date(s) - 2022 Mar 25
07:00 pm - 07:00 pm
Date/Time (Europe/Berlin):Date(s) - 2022 Mar 25
7:00 pm
Format:Not Applicable
Categories:Judge Conference
Event Image

For general information, refer to https://judgeacademy.com/events/kamigawa-neon-dynasty-local-meeting-series/


Dieses Event ist für das März-Meeting für die Kamigawa Neon Dynasty – Local Meeting Series

Da ich das Event aus den Augen verloren hab, jetzt erst kurzfristig :).

Wenn ihr beim ersten Meeting nicht dabei wart, werde ich euch auch zum “Sammelevent” hinzufügen.

Thema 1: First Time Headjudging

Thema 2: Judging Commander


If you are interested in applying for this event, please make sure you are logged in to do so.

Accurate information is the responsibility of the tournament organizer for each of their respective events. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the organizer directly.