If you are interested in applying for this event, please make sure you are logged in to do so.

UK Judge voter registration

Game:Magic The Gathering
Date/Time (Europe/London):Date(s) - 2023 Dec 02
All Day
Date/Time (Europe/London):Date(s) - 2023 Dec 2 - 2023 Dec 16
All Day
Format:Not Applicable
Event Image

NB: This event is no longer accepting new applications. If you wish to sign up to vote in future ballots etc then please sign up to the Judge Apps Event here: https://apps.magicjudges.org/events/12816/

This event serves as registering to vote in the initial votes on whether and how to establish a UK judge certification and training body.

Judges registered to vote will also be elgible to form the initial membership of whatever resulting body is created.

There are two events, one here, and one on Judge Apps. Please only apply to join one of them.

Any judge in the UK who has ever been certified can apply to register to vote.

In order to register to vote you must meet one of the following:

  • A Judge Academy account with current certification. In this case please join the event on Judge Academy and mark your profile as public so that we can verify your certification and region
  • A Judge Apps account showing a Judge Academy certification
  • A Judge Apps account with an event history sufficient to show that you were an active judge

If you don’t meet any of these criteria, but have been a certified judge, then please apply to this event and include in your cover letter the details of when you were certified and how we can verify this.

Since we are collecting personal information for potential members, please find the provisional privacy policy of the organization here: Privacy Policy

You can find the latest draft of a potential constitution here: Draft Constitution

You can find the model articles of association for the sort of legal entity we might implement here: Model Articles

If you are interested in applying for this event, please make sure you are logged in to do so.

Accurate information is the responsibility of the tournament organizer for each of their respective events. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the organizer directly.