MTG Event Organizer Champion!:
Please welcome Thomas Conmy to the Judge Academy team! Thomas brings a unique combination of understanding events and conventions of all sizes, as well as having experience with remote education, development through gaming, and production experience. He’ll be helping us push through the editing and post-production of our outstanding L3 modules, while helping to build out a plan for future modules and programming as we look towards what 2022 can bring for Judge Academy and its members.
Office Hours:
We have some onboarding for Thomas and catching up to do from the weekend, so I will NOT be hosting the AM session (9-10am Pacific) of office hours tomorrow. I will still be around for the PM session (4-5pm Pacific). As always, if that time doesn’t work PLEASE send me an email at or discord message and I’ll be happy to set up a time to touch base!
MTG ProShop Judge Apparel:
- April and May orders: Close to 2/3s of the orders have already shipped, the rest should have tracking by tomorrow afternoon.
- June orders: Closed at the end of the month and have already been sent to the printer, so hopefully there won’t be any issues with this batch!
If you have questions or don’t receive tracking by Thursday, please reach out to MTG ProShop directly at
Website: The look of our site has continued to grow and improve over the last month!
Completed Features/Updates:
- Direct profile link: We have added a field to each user profile listing its corresponding direct URL. This will make it easier to share a profile or direct someone to your page.
- Change to forum reply notifications: The presentation and formatting of the replies a user receives to their forum posts is being cleaned up and made more readable. We mentioned these with our last update, and they’re just about ready to go – we are just finalizing the QA such that all subsequent replies also receive the same treatment as new ones.
- Re-Application to Events Change: We are changing the process such that an application that has been rejected cannot re-apply to the same event repeatedly. However, if an applicant withdraws their OWN application they will still be able to re-apply.
- Changes to User Search page: We are making changes to remove the DCI information from the search results and arranging the full name and display name order. Since privacy settings affect these items, the word ‘private’ will be used instead of blank spaces if a user chooses to hide certain information.
- Various consistency and bug fixes.
- Clarity change for application editing: We are making a small change to improve clarity around when an application can be edited from the ‘My Applications’ page. Currently an application can only be edited while two conditions are true – the application window must still be open and the application is still ‘Pending’ a decision from the organizer. We are applying some button changes to the ‘My Applications’ page to display the ‘Edit’ button only as long as these are correct for the viewer.
- REL (rules enforcement level) is being added as a field while creating events.
- Revamped event questions functions: While the changes made to the questions subsection of the events creation process are not functionally different (as we have had in mind the function we wanted for some time) we have completely rebuilt the system from the ground up using new software to improve data reliability and security to address some of the occasional issues encountered by some event organizers. This is in final QA and will be live shortly.
New Modules:
This month we’ve continued working through editing and processing our Level 3 content. As always, if you have any questions about your own process, please feel free to reach out to me directly at
- Approving a Backup
- Philosophy of Deviations
As a reminder, we’ve created a form for finalized numbers after a sponsored conference that should help us lower processing times. That form is here, and organizers will be instructed to use that to request sponsorship once their conference totals are finalized.
As with last month, to help clarify and set expectations around promos, for the month of July, as much as possible, conferences around the world will receive Sterling Grove in their July 2020 slot, and Nicol Bolas, the Ravager in their Jan-April 2021 slot in their promos sponsorship packs, meaning each pack will be:
- Grand Arbiter Augustin IV
- Karlov of the Ghost Council
- Nicol Bolas, the Ravager
- Sterling Grove
Why clarify “as much as possible”? The promos are an extremely limited resource compared to other printings and, towards the end of a card’s rotation, it’s possible that we might run out of a particular promo from an older wave, or not have enough of that specific card to cover a larger conference. We are constantly monitoring allocations and inventory, and don’t expect this to be a common issue, but if it does happen, we’ll be in contact with the organizer to inform them of any substitution. THIS WILL NOT OCCUR FOR CURRENT (NEW) CARDS.
As usual, thanks for your questions and feedback as we all navigate a world of online conferences together.