Magic Judge Checklists
These checklists provide guidelines on a wide variety of judging-related tasks, including making announcements and preparing for an event. Each checklist consists of the checklist itself as well as some guiding philosophy regarding the content of the checklist. We provide checklists in a variety of formats so that you can find what works best for you.
Pre-Event Prerelease (Judge)
This checklist covers a wide variety of preparation you can do for a prerelease. Some are explicit tasks, such as preparing the room, and others are pieces of knowledge it’s important to acquire before starting the event.
Pre-Event Prerelease (Tournament Organizer)
This checklist covers recommended steps to take before hosting a prerelease, including finding staff, getting additional supplies and preparing tools to engage with your players.
Prerelease Announcements (Deck Construction and Round One)
This checklist covers the key information for announcements for both deck construction and your first round of play at a prerelease.
Pre-Event Regional Championship Qualifier (Judge)
This checklist covers a wide variety of preparation you can do for an RCQ. Some are explicit tasks, such as preparing the room, and others are pieces of knowledge it’s important to acquire before starting the event.
Pre-Event Regional Championship Qualifier (Tournament Organizer)
This checklist covers recommended steps before hosting an RCQ, including finding staff, getting additional supplies, and preparing tools to engage with your players.
Regional Championship Qualifier Announcements (Deck Construction and Round One)
This checklist covers the critical information for announcements for both deck construction and your first round of play at an RCQ, including a section for Limited events.