Tuesday Update 6/9

Hey, all! The MTG Community got together to do something amazing this weekend.

We didn’t get a chance to announce this last Tuesday (because the idea didn’t exist yet!), but this past Sunday the community came together to raise over $18.5k for civil rights based charities, alongside the Melee.gg team, Ultra Pro, Card Titan, Channel Fireball, Cool Stuff Inc., Coalesce Apparel & Design, and MTG Pro Shop, on top of ALL the amazing steamers, coverage experts, and everyone who donated!
We did this because it was, and is, important. We are so proud of everyone who came together to make a clear stand that the Magic Community should be a safe place for everyone, and that #BlackLivesMatter.


MAJL Update
We are also in our second month of the Magic Arena Judge League, with Judges competing to represent their region in the MAJL Finals, and have a chance at becoming Judge Academy’s first Judge Token. If you’d like to participate, you can find the Leaderboard (and the sing-up links for this weekend’s events) HERE


Digital MTR/IPG
Judge Academy, in collaboration with Wizards of the Coast, has created new Policy Documents that we are excited to share with everyone today.  These new Docs focus Primarily on Digital events. With circumstances being what they are, we felt it was important to have expectations both for organizers, and for players about what to expect playing in events.
We consulted with a group of folks who have been organizing a lot of the big online events to ensure that these documents would be something that could be used by everyone as an overall guideline for running Online Digital Events.
Wizards will use these documents to govern over the Regional Players Tour events, the Players Tour Finals, and Mythic Invitational and we encourage folks to adopt these documents for adjudicating digital tournaments using MTG Arena.
These documents will see fairly regular updates, and we’re working with Wizards to evaluate feedback from players as well as tournament staff on updates for future events.
Please take some time to read through these documents and let us know your thoughts!  If you run an event with them let us know how it goes!
Head on over to our Policy Documents page her on JudgeAcademy.com to take a look!
A special thanks to the folks who contributed to these documents, their combined experience and expertise helped us create something that we’re pretty proud of:
Nicolette Apraez
Jurgen Baert
Eric Dustin Brown
Jeph Foster
Kyle Knudson
Eric Levine
One final note: Nicolette and Kyle will be Live on the Judge Academy Twitch Channel tomorrow at 9AM and 4PM PT (for ~1h each) to talk about these documents and answer any questions people may have.  So swing by and let us know what you think!


    1. Nicolette Apraez Post author

      Currently they are only hosted on Judge Academy, and Wizards is using the documents for their premier play tournaments, but they are not mandatory or anything yet. These will likely go through some number of iterations before settling in, and I imagine being shared more .