Tuesday Update 7/7: Emails/Discord Office Hours

Hey all,

L1 Maintenance is done, and we are on to the next thing! Thank you all for your patience as I worked my way through questions and concerns regarding that over the last week.

Over the next couple days, I plan to take on all of the emails that came into the Contact Form/Questions inbox during that time (as well as those of you who poked me about L3 stuff). If I don’t finish by the end of the week I’ll take some time over the weekend to finish, so if you sent in an email and don’t hear back for whatever reason, PLEASE poke me on Monday, because you should have gotten a response by then.

Outside of that from the tech side, so far we’ve been able to update things quietly in the background, so at the moment we do not expect any downtime on the site as updates to the profile, skill tree, and modules move over from our test site.

Finally, when I did Office Hours on Discord due to the Twitch Blackout, it worked really well. Being able to communicate with you all real time, and have a two sided conversation was great. So I’m going to do it again tomorrow. Assuming we don’t have any moderation issues, I plan on continuing to use Discord for Wednesday Office Hours. As a reminder, those happen Wednesdays from 9-10am and 4-5pm Pacific.

To see those in your local time, click on the times above!

If you have not been to our Judge Academy Discord yet, you can use the invite here to join! I have made a special Judge Academy Office Hours section with a chat and stream/voice channel, so that is where you will find me during those times.

That’s all for this week!

