Tuesday Update – Interim CoC

I’ve added the text from our Interim Code of Conduct below. Our goal was to create something similar to an Educational/University Honor Code. This is intended to be concise, to the point, and something short enough that we can set a clear expectation that all judges need to have read and understood it. The conduct page on the site will be updated with this text tomorrow.

Judge Conduct Code – Short Version

  • A Judge Academy Certification is a badge of respect in the gaming community. Like all members of the community, Judges are accountable for their actions.
  • Judges have a shared obligation with Tournament Organizers to create welcoming environments. This means they must strive to create safe and positive play environments for all participants.
  • Judges have a position of authority at events. They must use that authority impartially and ensure that ALL participants are treated fairly and respectfully.
  • Judges should take responsibility for their actions and behaviors as Judges. They must not attempt to prevent anyone from reporting potential judge misconduct and should provide information on how to do so if asked.
  • Judges recognize their position in the community is based on trust, and therefore do not use their position as Judges for undue personal gain.
  • Judges must also abide by the same rules of conduct as players.

The biggest point I want to point out with this is that this is an interim document. If you have any feedback, please submit it using the Contact Us form. We want to work towards a finalized version that is easy to digest, removes any question or argument of ignorance surrounding the code, and embodies the integrity and inclusiveness that the judge community strives for, and is expected to maintain.


11/11 – Tomorrow is a Federal Holiday in the US (and some other countries as well), so while there’s a good chance I’ll still spend a good portion of the day working on emails and module stuff, I will not be around for office hours.

For those celebrating Veterans Day, Remembrance/Poppy Day, Armistice Day, or other variations this week, please take some time to honor the people who have worn their uniforms to protect the values and liberties that their nation was built on.