MTG: 300s Card Types

MTG: 300s Card Types

Many of magic’s most complicated interactions involve changing, adding, and removing various types from cards. To help master these, this module will dive into the intricacies of the following: Type, Supertype, and Subtype Properties of Different Types Abilities and Triggers Related to Types Effects that Change the Typeline

MTG: 400s Zones

During a game of Magic, objects moving from zone to zone is often a case of muscle memory or shortcuts. However, all of these zone changes are governed by a strict set of rules and procedures that are integral to the proper flow of gameplay. This module will be delving into the comprehensive rules to […]

MTG: 500s Turn Structure

MTG: 500s Turn Structure

The Level 1 module on the parts of a turn gave a basic overview of a turn, but some situations require a deeper understanding. Building on the concepts learned previously, this module will guide you to a more complete mastery of Magic’s turn structure. We will be covering: The phases and steps of a turn […]

MTG: 601-608 Spells and Abilities

MTG: 601-608 Spells and Abilities

You may have heard the saying ‘ the ‘ floating around Magic tournaments for years. But how exactly do you bolt that bird? And what happens if the bird’s controller wants to activate it response? In this module we’re going to take a deeper look at the rules for spells and abilities. Specifically, these are […]

MTG: 700s Additional Rules

MTG: 700s Additional Rules

ln this module we’ll be covering a wide variety of “stuff” not covered elsewhere in the comprehensive rules. If there is an overarching theme of section 700 (besides additional rules), it would be definitions; from defining specific terms to defining entire processes, like the process of copying an object. You’ll learn more about: Definitions Actions […]

MTG: 800s+900s Multiplayer and Casual

MTG: 800s+900s Multiplayer and Casual

Course by: Tobias Vyseri While the ascension to L2 may accompany a great leap in understanding and execution of Comp REL policy, this does not mean that your days of judging Regular REL are behind you, especially if you’re looking to start working larger events!  Commander is quickly becoming one of the most popular casual formats, […]

MTG: Advanced CR Test

MTG: Advanced CR Test

This is the final test for the Advanced Comprehensive Rules Badge. This quiz has a 2 week cooldown, and will need at least an 80% to pass. Before you begin, make sure you have a stable internet connection and do not refresh or close the page as doing so will count as a submission.