MTG: Steps and Phases of a Turn

MTG: Steps and Phases of a Turn

You must have a personal endorsement from an L2 or L3 judge to become Level 1. This can take time, and we STRONGLY suggest building that relationship as soon as possible. To see what this means and why it’s required, please read Endorsement Information. In this Module, we’ll start with an overview of the structure […]

MTG: Layer 7

MTG: Layer 7

You must have a personal endorsement from an L2 or L3 judge to become Level 1. This can take time, and we STRONGLY suggest building that relationship as soon as possible. To see what this means and why it’s required, please read Endorsement Information. In the world of Continuous Effects, Layer 7 is by far […]

MTG: Combat in Depth

MTG: Combat in Depth

You must have a personal endorsement from an L2 or L3 judge to become Level 1. This can take time, and we STRONGLY suggest building that relationship as soon as possible. To see what this means and why it’s required, please read Endorsement Information. This module will cover the Combat Phase, and the 5 Steps […]

MTG: State Based Actions

MTG: State Based Actions

You must have a personal endorsement from an L2 or L3 judge to become Level 1. This can take time, and we STRONGLY suggest building that relationship as soon as possible. To see what this means and why it’s required, please read Endorsement Information. State-Based Actions are the behind the scenes rules that keep the […]

MTG: Details of Different Formats

MTG: Details of Different Formats

You must have a personal endorsement from an L2 or L3 judge to become Level 1. This can take time, and we STRONGLY suggest building that relationship as soon as possible. To see what this means and why it’s required, please read Endorsement Information. With so many ways to play Magic, it’s important to understand […]

MTG: Rules Advisor Test

MTG: Rules Advisor Test

You must have a personal endorsement from an L2 or L3 judge to become Level 1. This can take time, and we STRONGLY suggest building that relationship as soon as possible. To see what this means and why it’s required, please read Endorsement Information. This is the final step to achieve your Rules Advisor Certification! […]